Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Daycare

Libby started her new daycare on Monday (10.13) after being home with me for 2 weeks. I expected it to be for us both but it wasn't as bad as I pictured in my head. The Friday before I dropped her off for an hour and a half visit and left her screaming and crying in her new teacher's arms. When I picked her up though, she was totally fine. She obviously started to fuss for me to pick her up but it wasn't anything abnormal. On Monday I prepared myself again. Everyone at the new daycare was so nice. They greeted us at the door and really tried to calm Libby and me down. I had to leave her again crying and reaching out for me. It was killing my heart but I knew she would be ok. The teacher must have sensed my worry and called me three times! I didn't have to call them once! Libby did fabulously. She cries (still) when I drop her off for about 15-20 minutes and then has a fantastic day. The whole mood of this daycare is different than the other one we used. The old one always had kids screaming somewhere - which you would expect from a daycare, right? This new one - I just heard one kid screaming (out of joy) on Friday. Everything seems calmer and more efficient there. It's great! Oh, and have I mentioned that they are getting her to eat table food? She's already comfortable enough there she's talking, dancing, and eating just fine there. It hasn't even impacted her nightly routine with us (i.e., she's still sleeping through the night =)). I wish we had made this move months ago!

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