Tuesday, May 19, 2009

House Woes

Most of you know by now that we have our house up on the market. So for the past 3 weeks, we've cleaned daily (if not twice a day) to get it prepared for potential house-lookers...only to not have any. I knew that having our house for sale would be tough in this market but I just assumed we would be getting low, crazy offers (after awhile) not that we wouldn't get any viewers. A bright spot is we did have some people go through last weekend at our open house. Can I just say how much I dislike open houses? They are in the middle of the day when my kiddo naps! It is pretty tough to wake her up just to leave the house not knowing if anyone would even come. But we've done that twice now...and finally had a couple of people go through. Maybe this means things are picking up? Anyone know someone that is looking for a house in STL? =)

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