I'm sure I sound like a broken record by stating this year just flew by and I can't believe it is almost over...but really, these years have got to slow down sometime, right? Probably not!
This year was such an amazing one filled with changes and adjustments. During the winter months we were still adjusting to having a newborn and in April we switched daycares. It was a tough decision but in the end, we are so glad we did it. Libby became 100% potty trained and adjusted very quickly to her new room. She even started to read/write after only a few weeks there. TJ was the laid back kinda kiddo we had hoped he would be and adjusted quickly also. Because the daycare was so closeby home with only a 5-7 min commute, I got to start working from home. That has made such a huge impact on our lives because now I can be more available. I also celebrated my 9th year at AT&T in June. I think we are all surprised by that one. =)
Libby continues to become a little girl with each passing day. She has really taken to ballet and loves to draw and make up songs. Some of her favorite things to do is watch movies and do arts and crafts. Don't think she's a girlie girl though...she still loves to go outside and hunt for bugs...but she has to be in a tutu doing it.
TJ is just growing like a weed and went from starting to crawl in late September to walking in mid November to running in early December. He is still pretty laid back except when he doesn't get when he wants and then can we say temper!! I can't wait to see how he changes over the next year. Luckily, he is still a momma's boy so I get to love on him a lot.
Jim is still burning the candle at both ends, running ragged after the kiddos and doing as much freelance writing as he can while looking for a more "offline" job. All those years of working on the internet seem to have finally gotten to him!
Here is to another year ending and another one beginning! Happy 2012 from the Skis!!
Jim, Holly, Libby (4), and TJ (1)
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Game Night
Game night can bring out the best or worst in people...turns out my daughter is much more like me than i realized. she likes to win. =)
Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Jingle Bell Ball
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
New Kitty, Happy Kitty
So we were wrong and the kitty is a girl and not a boy...so we officially welcome Abby Cadaby (aka Abby) to the Ski household :)
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Another Walker!
TJ took his first steps a few weeks ago and is quickly getting more and more steady. We figure by Christmas he will be running around chasing Libby. Let the fun begin!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Future Artist
TJ LOVES to do arts and crafts. If he is even a little fussy, give him a crayon and watch him go. Sure, he'll try to eat it for a little bit but he mostly just wants to color. I'm thinking we have a future artist on the horizon.
Pretty, Pretty Princess
Libby has really gotten into playing games. Her Godfather gave her Pretty Pretty Princess for her birthday and she kicks butt at it. This is her "I beat you" dance/face. Adorable
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Curious Monkey
...looking around, watching what's around.
...getting into EVERYTHING and anything he can grab
...looking so sweet and lovable
love this boy
...looking around, watching what's around.
...getting into EVERYTHING and anything he can grab
...looking so sweet and lovable
love this boy
Dynamic Duo
These are are going to be a force once TJ gets a little older. Libby will order him around and TJ will do whatever his older sister said (well, maybe for awhile).
For now, it's awesome to see them interact.
For now, it's awesome to see them interact.
Monday, August 15, 2011
TJ's First Birthday Party
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
TJ's Birthday
I'll do more posting...but right now I am trying to wrap my brain around the fact that a year ago (tomorrow) is when I finally got to meet my son face to face. It was a dream come true.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Absentee Mom
Pony Rides
Friday, July 22, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
TJ vs Libby: 11 Months
Sunday, July 10, 2011
TJ: 10 and 11 Months
Obviously I have gotten busy...erm lazy ... in terms of posting here. I can't believe I skipped TJ's 10 month post! Shame on me! In any case, lots have happened in the past few months. Here are some of the most noteworthy:
- Sleeping through the night - once we were over the last ear infection 5 weeks ago he started sleeping through the night. It was a LONG 10 months but I think we're finally able to say he's sleeping through the night right now.
- Teething - He is up to NINE teeth. Yes, NINE.
- Kisses - When he misses me, he brings me close, opens his mouth, sticks out his tongue, and freaks me the heck out with his mouth full of teeth...that's his version of kissing and it is adorable and frightening!
- Talking - He is always babbling about something. I thought since Libby never stopped talking he would be our quiet one...I don't think so.
- Moving around - While he isn't crawling or walking (or coming close), he is able to move around. He's quiet about it and is stealthy like a ninja. You can't figure out how exactly he is doing it but somehow he scoots everywhere just like his big sister did. He just isn't as flamboyant about it.
- Table Food - He is a billy goat! He is completely off baby food and will eat anything that I put near his mouth. Sadly he eats more food than his almost 4 year old sister does.
- Clothing - He is up to a size 3T in clothes. That even breaks our record with Miss Libby!
- Water - This boy LOVES his baths and loves water of any kind. Turn on a facet and you can entertain him for hours.
That's about all that is fit to print for us for the past 2 months. It is hard to believe the next time I write one of these he'll no longer be considered a baby. Of course, he'll always be my baby. =)
TJ's First Hair Cut
TJ had his first real hair cut today. I took him to Sweet & Sassy at West County Mall and made an afternoon of it. First we went shopping for his birthday party stuff and then people watched at the mall until his appointment at 3:00. It was awesome just getting to spend one on one time with him. I was a tad nervous about the hair cut and made it on a whim yesterday after noticing how crazy his hair had gotten in the last few days. As usual, he showed me I had nothing to worry about and that he is just an angel. He no longer looks like a baby though and looks like a little man. Adorable!! Here are the before/after pictures with more to come later that weren't taken with my phone =)
Before (after just waking up from a nap)

And after including a celebratory cookie since he was so awesome!

Before (after just waking up from a nap)
And after including a celebratory cookie since he was so awesome!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
TJ: 9 Months
I thought this went fast with Libby. It is nothing compared to how fast time flies with your 2nd. TJ is such a fun, happy baby and it's such a joy to watch him develop each day. He's so sociable...we didn't have that with Libby. Although we are reaching the stage with stranger anxiety. Honestly, if you just smile, coo at him, and tell him how cute/sweet he is, he will be completely comfortable with you. We have had a few bad drop offs lately at daycare. Honestly, I think that was because he had to stay at home with me for almost a week due to a double ear infection that just would not go away. We tried 3 kinds of antibiotics and ended up with a med-cocktail of antibiotic, ear drops and steroids. That's right - I had to give my almost 9 month old steroids for an ear infection. =( The good news is it worked! The bad news is we can't keep doing that if he continues to get sick with ear infections. The Dr said we can give it one more time to see if the antibiotics work by themselves at his next ear infection (if it is occurs), but then we'll be off to see the ENT about tubes. I am trying to avoid that at all costs if I can...but I also want what is best for him so we will do whatever.
In happier news, TJ is having table foods! Like a rock star! I mean we always joked that he wanted a steak and potato versus the mushed up baby food...but seriously on day 1 of telling the daycare to go for it, he had a ham & cheese sandwich and green beans. Inhaled them. I guess I was holding him back. Not anymore! He won't eat much at home but at least he is trying things at daycare.
Now that the ear infection has gotten better, sleeping as improved too. He's not eating near as much during the night and only gets up once between 11-3 and then that's it and he's good to go until breakfast at 8. At least, until I publish this and totally jinx it.
Crawling is still not happening but we're working on it. I still think he is going to walk before he crawls and just bypass that step/milestone. He sure does love to stand and is getting so good at it! We're working on pulling up but we've got awhile to go. He's a big boy so that is pretty hard. TJ is doing awesome at trying to bring himself up from laying down to a sitting position though. That's really my next focus - although I'm not sure I want him to do that because changing this squirmy boy is already hard enough!
Oh and he loves saying, "so big" or just celebrating anything at all. Take a look at this adorable video from last night.
So for those keeping track at home, TJ is now 31 inches long and 29lbs 7.5 oz after a VERY hefty breakfast. I really think he's closer to mid to upper 28lbs...but we'll count that since that's what they have. In any case, he's the size of a 2 y/o and I love every inch/roll of him!
Monday, May 9, 2011
My girl loves her the carousel at the St Louis Zoo. This was her first time riding solo. She was SO EXCITED!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
TJ: 8 Months
My little boy. He's really turning it a little guy. I can totally see a difference between little girls and little boys. He's my little ray of sunshine. Almost always happy. Really the one time he is fussy is when he is sleepy or really hungry during the middle of the night (which is getting slightly better but still exhausting!).
Some big changes really happened in the last few weeks. We left the daycare we have been at for 2.5 years. TJ was a real stud about it and didn't even miss a beat. Honestly, he seems to love it at the new daycare and the teachers are so wonderful with him. He's already becoming more vocal and is just so darn happy when I pick him up now...and definitely more exhausted which might be why he's sleeping a little bit better at night. One good thing is the separation anxiety, although here, hasn't hit at daycare yet. He is absolutely content to cuddle with any one of his teachers and they seem to be more than willing to cuddle with him. It's wonderful.
The other big news is TJ finally is ok with rolling! The little turkey finally did it and that was the final straw with the swaddling. Honestly, I think at the end he really wasn't enjoying it anymore and wanted to be "free". We haven't swaddle for over a week now and it's going really well. We still put socks on his hands cause the boy can't seem to leave his poor face alone.
We are still working on crawling. He'll go backwards but honestly the boy wants to walk. He loves to stand and will try to shuffle his feet. I think he might skip crawling and just go to walking honestly.
Oh, and, I can't believe I am saying this but he's in 24 month clothes. Comfortably. I had to go out and buy him 3T (since the 2Ts really don't get us much extra room) for late summer when it gets super hot cause I know we maybe have 2 months left (if we are lucky) in these clothes. I can't believe I am already buying him 3Ts!!
Over the next month, things should be interesting to watch. We are going to be able to be outside more...which he absolutely loves so far. When I get him into the stroller his arms/legs/feet go crazy and he just wants to go go go. I can't wait to see him start to get really excited about certain things and showing preferences. This summer is going to be AWESOME!!
And now to note some new things for this month:
- talking more and more
- rolling over (YAY!)
- changing daycares - which I swear is the reason he is talking more and more
- separation anxiety - someone must always be playing with him
- puffs - he can't seem to pick them up but once you put it in his mouth he gets very excited!
- no infant tub - since TJ is really sitting up 100% on his own now, I took away his infant tub in the bath. He looked so uncomfortable cause he couldn't stretch out. Now he just splashes and kicks and has such a good time. He's my water baby and would stay in there all of the time if I let him!
and of course some of my favorite pictures from the past few weeks...
Sunday, March 13, 2011
All Girl
TJ: 7 Months
I am determined not to wait so long to do the 7 months write up. =) I am only a couple of days late this time around. The past month has really been about developing gross motor skills and personality. Oh, and not allowing us to sleep. TJ can now sit and play with his sister, get very upset when a toy is taken away or rolls away, and plays/laughs whenever anyone does anything even remotely funny. One thing he is lacking is the ability to sleep. It started about at 6 months and unfortunately carried over into this month. We had hoped it was teething but now we are sure it isn't. I had the Dr check his ears this past weekend even just to double check that it wasn't an ear infection...she said no and that it was probably just separation anxiety. Great. That's not an easy fix but I remember going through this with Libby too. I know it'll pass. The good, late breaking development is that TJ has declared a love for a blanket. Maybe it'll help him sleep through the night. It definitely helps him go to sleep at nap time!
I've given up on him rolling over. I know he can and just doesn't want to. You want to know how I know? He rolls 90% over, looks at me, grins in his adorable TJ man way, and then rolls back. Now tell me he isn't doing that on purpose? He's getting closer to crawling. I am 99% sure he won't be a butt scooter like his sister. He can twist and turn like a mad man on the floor to get what he wants and his knees are definitely attempting to set up for crawling. I guess it is just a matter of time now!
One thing that seems to be consistent is his size. On Saturday he weighed in at 26lbs but that was after solids + a 6oz bottle so that isn't entirely fair. I haven't measured him and we won't go back officially for measurements until 9 months (May), so I don't know how much taller he is but I have a hard time carrying him around now cause he's so long. Oh and oh so strong. I'm going to predict once that boy can crawl/walk won't want to be cuddled by his momma anymore. He's already fighting it unless he is sleepy. Sigh. It's going too fast.
A positive note was I got a new camera a few weeks back so I can take some really great shots of him now. So stay tuned! Here is just a preview of some of my favorites from the past few days.

I've given up on him rolling over. I know he can and just doesn't want to. You want to know how I know? He rolls 90% over, looks at me, grins in his adorable TJ man way, and then rolls back. Now tell me he isn't doing that on purpose? He's getting closer to crawling. I am 99% sure he won't be a butt scooter like his sister. He can twist and turn like a mad man on the floor to get what he wants and his knees are definitely attempting to set up for crawling. I guess it is just a matter of time now!
One thing that seems to be consistent is his size. On Saturday he weighed in at 26lbs but that was after solids + a 6oz bottle so that isn't entirely fair. I haven't measured him and we won't go back officially for measurements until 9 months (May), so I don't know how much taller he is but I have a hard time carrying him around now cause he's so long. Oh and oh so strong. I'm going to predict once that boy can crawl/walk won't want to be cuddled by his momma anymore. He's already fighting it unless he is sleepy. Sigh. It's going too fast.
A positive note was I got a new camera a few weeks back so I can take some really great shots of him now. So stay tuned! Here is just a preview of some of my favorites from the past few days.
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