Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I won?!?!?!

remember that weight loss competition I mentioned at my gym?  I WON!!!  Holy Crap!!
Lets try that again...I won!!!  I won the weight loss competition at my gym!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Half Marathon Recap: Weeks 6 & 7

So I forgot to post about last week's running.  I am still running so don't take my forgetfulness as not discontinuing :)  Although, I do have an update on that...but for now, here is the recap:

Week 6:
Day 1 (Sunday): 7 miles @ 11:30 min/mile pace (NO WALKING!!!)
Day 2 (Monday): OFF
Day 3 (Tuesday): 4 miles @ 11:27 min/mile pace
Day 4 (Wednesday): 3 miles @ 10:59 min/mile pace
Day 5 (Thursday): OFF
Day 6 (Friday): 4 miles @ 11:37 min/mile pace
Day 7 (Saturday): OFF   Week 7: Day 1 (Sunday): 8 miles 7 miles @ 11:51 min/mile pace - Couldn't do it and got really, really sick
Day 2 (Monday): OFF
Day 3 (Tuesday): 4 miles @ 11:22 min/mile pace
Day 4 (Wednesday): 3 miles @ 11:18 min/mile pace
Day 5 (Thursday): OFF
Day 6 (Friday): 4 miles 3 miles @ 10:29 min/mile pace - Ran out of time!
Day 7 (Saturday): OFF

So you can see I'm keep on running but I got super sick last Sunday with my run.  My body just gave out and up things it shouldn't have.  Part of this is because most of my runs are in the evenings now and I am working a million hrs.  I am having struggling fitting time in for my family and it is stressing me out.  Plus, I am not sleeping.  So it is no wonder my body is rebeling!! 

So now onto my update...I am not going to be able to make the April run.  It is my own fault due to being an idiot.  Soo...I am out of the running (ha! get it?) for the April race unfortunately.  I am not stopping the running though.  I just won't do such long runs going forward.  I'll be ready by the October one though!! So This will be my last post for now about the half marathon training...until July when I start up again :)

Hair Cuts

Last year I started to cut Jim, TJ and Libby's hair myself to save money.  I am still doing it and today was "cut everyone's hair day!".  Everyone except for TJ did awesome...he is not a fan of getting buzzed :)

TJ Before:
Before hair cut
TJ After:
 After hair cut ❤

Libby after (forgot the before!):
Fresh hair cut

Swimming Lessons

We have started swimming lessons again for Libby.  I have never seen her so excited/happy to be there!  Here is to hoping that she starts swimming more on her own so she can move up to the next class.  She did really, really awesome the first lesson.  I just have to figure out how to make her not so afraid!

Swimming lessons


Libby's new hat