Sunday, April 27, 2014


I've always wanted a garden.  In our last house, we had no back yard (I mean, it was a deck :)) and the deck wasn't big enough to let Libby play on at 1 and have a deck garden.  Libby has been begging for the past 2 years to plant roses or any flowers she sees and calls a "rose".  This year I decided to give in only I wanted to up the experience a tad and instead of focusing on flowers, focus on foods our family would eat.  It would, if it took, be healthier for us and cheaper - WIN WIN!  So over the course of the last few weeks, I have been growing seedlings of tomatoes, lettuce, green beans, carrots, cucumbers, watermelons, pumpkins, apple trees, roses, gerber daisies, peas, etc (I've lost count) in our dining room.  I've had the kiddos involved in planting the seeds and watering them and explaining how good this is for us and the earth.  They get so excited about watching them grow:
Untitled After the seedlings became pretty large and I figured out my dining room is the best green house EVER, I had to decide what to do with them next.  So we bought some edging "stone" that was cheap (again, not sure if this will last nor take) and made a garden bed.  Then we started transplanting the plants.  Most are taking off like champs!  I can't wait to see what happens soon!  We don't have the potatoes & strawberries in the garden.  They are in special bags...but everything besides them and our "miniature banana tree" are now out there.  So excited - grow babies grow!

"Greenhouse" aka Dining Room
GARDEN with about 1/4 of the plants


ireps said...

I love love gardening. Although I do plant more flowers and fruits than veggies! What a fantastic activity for your kids.

ireps said...

I love love gardening. Although I do plant more flowers and fruits than veggies! What a fantastic activity for your kids.