The appointment went well. She is now 23.5 lbs (>97%) and 27.5 inches (95%) long. The Dr said she is the average size of a 9 month old. Considering she is wearing 18 month clothes comfortably that surprised me. Everything else went well too. She's meeting all of her milestones and the doctor said she is just perfect! We can even introduce meat now into the solids. I have to admit when she said that and explained to Jim that it was 'baby food meat' (aka, pureed) I gagged a little. If I thought the squash smelled bad, I can't wait to see what ham+apples smells like! Yuck!
Some housekeeping items:
Solid foods tried to date (We are a bit behind because of the antibiotics allergic reaction scare):
- Carrots - Libby says YUCK!
- Apples - Libby says YUM!
- Squash - Libby says YUM YUM YUM!
...should be able to do:
- hold head steady when upright - check!
- on stomach, raise chest, supported by arms- check!
- pay attention to an object as small as a raisin- check! (she's trouble!)
- squeal in delight- check! hehe too cute!
- reach for an object- check! Goodness, she loves to reach.
- smile spontaneously- check!
- smile back when you smile- check!
- grasp a rattle held to backs or tips of fingers- check!
- keep head level with body when pulled to sitting- check!
- roll over (one way)- nope! She is still being stubborn on that!
- bear some weight on legs- check!
- say "ah-goo" or similar vowel-consonant combinations- check!
- razz (make a wet razzing sound)- check!
- turn in the direction of a voice- check!
- sit without support- mostly...she can last about 15-20 seconds and then falls to the left or right.
- pull up to standing position from sitting- hmm...not really. She likes to stand and we can do this but it is not comfy for her.
- stand holding on to someone or something- no way thank goodness! I don't want her standing yet =)
- object if you try to take away a toy- check! makes things more interesting =)
- work to get a toy out of reach- check! it is pretty funny!
- pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other- check!
- look for dropped object- check!
- rake with fingers a tiny object and pick it up in fist- check!
- babble, combining vowels and consonants such as ga-ga-ga, ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma, da-da-da- can definitely say ga ga ga or ba ba ba but not ma or da!
I thought I would go ahead and put the 6 month milestones to remind me where we need to be before the month ends. =)
6 Month Milestones:
... should be able to do:
- keep head level with body when pulled to sitting- check!
- say "ah-goo" or similar vowel-consonants combinations- check!
- bear some weight on legs when held upright- check!
- sit without support- against mostly but not 100% yet!
- turn in the direction of a voice- check!
- razz (make a wet razzing sound)- check!
- stand holding on to someone or something- nope
- object if you try to take a toy away- check!
- work to get a toy that's out of reach- check!
- pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other- check!
- look for dropped objects- check!
- rake with fingers a tiny object and pick it up in fist- check!
- babble, combining vowels and consonants such as ga-ga-ga, ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma, da-da-da- can definitely say ga ga ga or ba ba ba but not ma or da!
- feed self cracker or other finger food- she cannot have finger foods yet so we cannot do this yet =)
- creep or crawl- nope!
- pull up to standing position from sitting- nope!
- get into a sitting position from stomach- nope!
- pick up tiny object with any part of thumb and finger- check!
- say "mama" or "dada"- nope but cannot wait!
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