Monday, November 23, 2009

Getting Healthy: Baby Steps

I’m slowly moving forward to making positive, long lasting changes in my life. One of these possible changes is happening tonight. After whining and talking about joining a gym, I am finally going in some to check them out. I’ve been a member of several gyms over the years so I know what to look for and ask…mostly I want one that isn’t a meat market. I don’t want to be looked at as I sweat like a pig because I will sweat like a pig. It’ll be awful and I will be ugly. Very ugly. Not that I care!

I also plan on getting a personal trainer to kick my big butt. My goal is to get in some serious workouts before our big trip to Disney so it doesn’t kill me and I don’t get exhausted too fast. I am excited and nervous about this change but mostly I am SO EXCITED! It is seriously something I have wanted to do for years but never felt like I was worth it to spend that kind of money. Well, now I feel like I am finally worth it. I still don’t like spending the money but you know what? I’d rather be healthy at this point. This should be the kick in my butt that I need to make some healthy changes, and I would rather spend the money on this versus another diet plan!

I am trying not to get too excited about this though. When I was in college I got on an exercise kick and dropped a serious amount of weight without trying hard. In fact, I got to my smallest size while I did that and weight watchers – a freaking size 4. I don’t expect to get that small again…mostly because I am a lot older (sigh). Honestly, I am mostly doing this to be a good role model for my kiddo AND to get my blood pressure down. Now, I do hope that I turn into the incredible shrinking Holly but if that doesn’t happen I am not going to cry over it. I just can’t wait to see what happens! I’ll keep you posted.

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